Soft Skills Training

Modules for Soft Skills Training:

Verbal communication

Non-verbal communication (body language, gestures)

Active listening

Public speaking and presentation skills

Interpersonal Skills:

Building rapport and relationships

Empathy and emotional intelligence

Conflict resolution

Teamwork and collaboration

Time Management:

Prioritization of tasks

Goal-setting and planning

Dealing with procrastination

Managing distractions

Adaptability and Flexibility:

Embracing change

Problem-solving in dynamic environments

Resilience and coping strategies

Leadership Skills:

Leading by example

Delegation and empowerment

Decision-making and problem-solving

Stress Management:

Identifying stress triggers

Stress-reduction techniques

Maintaining work-life balance

Negotiation Skills:

Win-win negotiation strategies

Assertiveness and effective communication in negotiations

Conflict Resolution:

Identifying sources of conflict

Mediation and conflict resolution techniques

Emotional Intelligence:




Social skills

Cultural Sensitivity and Diversity:

Understanding and valuing different cultures

Promoting inclusivity and diversity in the workplace

Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking:

Analytical thinking

Creative problem-solving

Decision-making skills

Networking Skills:

Building professional networks

Effective networking strategies

Mock Interview Rules:

Mock interviews are practice interviews designed to help individuals prepare for actual job interviews. Here are some rules to follow during mock interviews:

Professional Environment:

Treat the mock interview as a real one. Dress professionally and create a formal interview setting.


Research the company and position beforehand to answer questions convincingly.

Realistic Questions:

Use typical interview questions relevant to the job and industry.

Time Management: Allocate a standard interview time and avoid excessive breaks.

Honest Feedback: After the mock interview, request feedback from the interviewer on strengths and areas for improvement.

Note-Taking: Keep notes of your performance during the mock interview to identify areas for improvement.

Body Language: Pay attention to your body language, eye contact, and posture.

Stress Management: Manage interview nerves and practice staying calm under pressure.

Interview Etiquette: Follow proper interview etiquette, such as greeting the interviewer and sending a thank-you note afterward.

Focus on Improvement: Use mock interviews as learning experiences to enhance your interview skills.

Variety of Questions: Cover different aspects, including behavioral questions, technical questions (if applicable), and situational questions.

Role Reversal: Consider taking turns playing the role of both the interviewer and interviewee to gain a broader perspective.

By following these rules and conducting mock interviews regularly, individuals can build confidence, improve their interview skills, and increase their chances of performing well in real job interviews.


An ideal course for final year students.
Special focus on resume writing.
Facing an interview.
Participation in group discussion.
Mock Interview Cell

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